Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser

gelesen von Adina Mornell

American author Theodore Dreiser (1871–1945) grew up in a German-speaking environment in Terre Haute, Indiana. One of ten children born to an impoverished German immigrant family, he was largely self-educated. Censorship and bans accompanied him all of his life. He began his writing career as a reporter for a number of Chicago and St. Louis newspapers. Dreiser was a pioneer of American naturalist fiction and a lifelong foe of censorship. In 1900 his first novel, Sister Carrie, was withheld from general distribution by the publisher due to the work’s perceived amoral content. Later novels were censured by the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice and banned in Boston. Dreiser’s work became increasingly political, as his interest in socialism and Communism deepened. His works were banned and burned in Nazi Germany.

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Prof. Dr. Adina Mornell

geboren und aufgewachsen in Los Angeles, verbindet ihre langjährige Erfahrung als internationale Konzertpianistin mit ihrer akademischen Ausbildung in Psychologie, Literatur, Musikwissenschaft und Pädagogik. Sie lehrt und forscht an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München im Bereich der Lernpsychologie und Instrumentalpädagogik.